Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Current Event pt2

 Bonjour and welcome back to my blog readers, today i will be doing a Part two current event by force from our teacher!!! So Monday to Friday i will be reading and blogging about a current event I read from Kiwi kids News and today article i read was New Zealand Police train super cat (which i also sawed on the news)      Click here to read this article

So the name of this Cat is Arnold and I think it's kinda cute having a cat as the Polices new secret weapon in their fight against crime, recently one of the police officers shared a video on Facebook of their latest recruit and so far this video has more than 1 millions views and 16,000 comment which is outstanding and amazing too, Arnold has also been practicing some new moves while hes at. Anyway I guess I'll now got to depend on Arnold the amazing cat to fight against crime.

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