Thursday, August 29, 2019

Forest fact

Forest Fact

Around 30% of the Earth is covered by trees. 
Rainforests are home to 50% of all plants and animals. 

In the rainforest there are about 1,500 flowering plants.
There are 400 species of birds and 750 species of tree in the Rainforests. 
There are 150 species of butterfly found in rainforest.
Rainforests are often known as the ‘lungs of the Earth’ The tree absorb harmful carbon dioxide and produce 20% of the oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere. 
25% of medicines come from plants found in the rainforest.
 Trees soak up water and help prevent erosion. Without them the soil would wash away.  

What is Deforestation?

Deforestation occurs when trees are cut down across a wide area which is then permanently cleared for another use. 

Did you know…?
Every 20 minutes, an area of rainforest the size of 20 football pitches is cut down. If this rate continues, There will be no rainforests in 100 years. 

Why are the rainforests cut down?

Tree are useful and valuable. Among other things, they are used for paper, building and firewood.
The rainforest is home to a unique variety of tree species. Hardwoods such as teak or mahogany are strong and so are perfect for building and for making furniture. However, these trees are slow growing and are not easy to replace.

Subsistence farming

This is also known as slash and burn, families cut down small parts of the forest and burn it to improve the soil and make room for cattle.

It is on a small scale and the forest can regenerate. But with more people taking more land, this chance of recovery is slower. Up to 48% of all deforestation is caused by subsistence farming.

Commercial Farming

This is farming that happens on a large scale. It is led by companies who need to products for the wider world.

Forest is cleared permanently for:

  • Cattle grazing : This provides meat for restaurant chains and supermarkets.
  • Crops : Crops such as sugar cane and palm oil are grown in large lands.

What are the effects of Deforestation?

Soil erosion : Tree roots help hold the soil and prevent it from being washed away. Without trees, the soil is washed into rivers and streams, blocking them, causing flooding and contaminating drinking water.

Droughts : Trees are an important part of the water cycle. Without them, there will be a lack of rain.

Habitat loss : Animals and plants lose their home so some may become endangered or extinct.

Climate change: Scientists believe deforestation has a worldwide effect on climate. Trees store carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere and is known as a greenhouse gas which causes global warming.

Image result for rainforest


This term my class and I learned
about Our planet earth and we all
know that it is beautiful so we all
made an art work on the earth.
My artwork represents the
beautiful land and the ocean.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Plastic pollution

Did you know… That plastic is not biodegradable and it takes 500
year for a piece of plastic to decompose and only 4 % of plastic is
recycled. If all the fish and sea animals all die then the food chains
will get affected. And one fact you all should have known that when
it rains it is lets out plastic.

Why is pollution a growing concern?

Pollution is causing global warming, and all the ice are heat up. Plant and
animals are getting extinct. Food chains and food webs are getting affected.
Air is polluted, and we are not getting clean air to breathe or fresh water to
drink. This is also affecting human health.  

How does plastic damage our environment?

Plastic damage our environment when the people throw their rubbish in
the open, then gets drafted to the oceans and kills our sea animals.  Lots
of waste from the factories get drained into the ocean making the oceans
poisonous. Smoke from factories and vehicles pollutes our air.     

How does plastic damage our oceans?

Many millions of tonnes of plastic enter the oceans each year. Researchers
have found that plastic has reached the deepest part of the oceans. Plastic
can get into the ocean directly if rubbish is blown from the beach or thrown
from ships on the sea. 
What can we do to stop plastic pollution?

We should recycle plastic to stop Plastic Pollution. We should start
using biodegradable products instead of plastic. Stop producing more
and more plastic. There are plastic bottles, plastic bags and many more,
People could reuse plastic bottles, plastic bags, etc or people could recycle.
Instead of plastic bottles we can use glass cups, instead of plastic bags we
can use a box or either a fabric bag, Instead of straws we can use a metal straw
or just use your mouth to drink. 

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Plastic pollution - By Fine

Plastic pollution

What is plastic pollution?
Plastic pollution is when lots of plastic goes in the
sea and the fish and jellyfish all die and also all the
other sea animals.

What will happen if the plastic goes to the sea?
Each day more then 5 million pieces of plastic goes
to the oceans and 100 million animals die from that.
And if we do not stop this then we wouldn't have
fish to eat or seafood.

 Where is plastic found?
Plastic is found everywhere in the world and we use
it everyday like Shampoos bottle, face washes, toothpaste, clothes
that are made out of material like nylon, glad wrap, plastic
bags, plastic bottles, plastic toy and lego all these things
are staff we all use every day.

Image result for plastic pollution

Food chain - By Fine

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Classification of animals on the basis of what they eat.

Plastic pollution - By Fine

Did you know… That plastic is not biodegradable and it takes 500 year for a piece of plastic to decompose and only 4 % of plastic is recycled. If all the fish and sea animals all die then the food chains will get affected. And one fact you all should have known that when it rains it is lets out plastic.

Why is pollution a growing concern?

Pollution is causing global warming, and all the ice are heat up. Plant and animals are getting extinct. Food chains and food webs are getting affected. Air is polluted, and we are not getting clean air to breathe or fresh water to drink. This is also affecting human health.  

How does plastic damage our environment?

Plastic damage our environment when the people throw their rubbish in the open, then gets drafted to the oceans and kills our sea animals.  Lots of waste from the factories get drained into the ocean making the oceans poisonous. Smoke from factories and vehicles pollutes our air.     

How does plastic damage our oceans?

Many millions of tonnes of plastic enter the oceans each year. Researchers have found that plastic has reached the deepest part of the oceans. Plastic can get into the ocean directly if rubbish is blown from the beach or thrown from ships on the sea. 
What can we do to stop plastic pollution?

We should recycle plastic to stop Plastic Pollution. We should start using biodegradable products instead of plastic. Stop producing more and more plastic. There are plastic bottles, plastic bags and many more, People could reuse plastic bottles, plastic bags, etc or people could recycle. Instead of plastic bottles we can use glass cups, instead of plastic bags we can use a box or either a fabric bag, Instead of straws we can use a metal straw or just use your mouth to drink. 

Cooking with room 6. How to make a chicken vegetables soups.

Cooking with room 6

How to make a chicken vegetables soups

1 cans of tomato and a can of crn
Shredded chicken
Some butter or olive oil
Salt to taste
Black pepper
Herbs to taste

A peeler
A knife
A coping board
A pot

Peel the potatoes and carrots chop the cabbage roughly.
Roughly dice the potatoes and carrots slice the onions to peel the garlic quickly
use this simple trick. 
Put the garlic in the microwave for 10 seconds and the peels will come off quickly.
Put peeled garlic and the rest of the chopped vegetables into the pot.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Add herbs of your c some water into the pot and put it on the stove to simmer.
Leave it for about half an hour.
Use the blender to blend the vegetables once they are soft and cooked.
Add shredded chicken on top.
Now you can enjoy your soup with a piece of toast!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Term 3 Week 2 Practice problems - Calculate the discounted price for the following.

Calculate the discounted price for the following.

25% off the marked price

Shirt - $ 90

10       10 10   10 10 10     10 10 10 = $ 90
2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 = $ 22.50

$ 90.00 - $ 22.50 = $ 68  

Trousers - $ 70

10       10 10   10 10 10     10 = $ 70  
2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 = $ 17.50

$ 70.00 - $ 17.50 = 52.50

Tie - $ 50

10      10 10      10 10 = $ 50.00
2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50  = $ 12.50

$ 50.00 - $ 12.50 = $ 37.50

Coat - $180

100 80 = $ 180
25   2.50 = $ 27.50

$ 180.00 - $ 27.50 = 80.50

15% off the marked price

Vest- $ 20

10      10 = $ 20.00
1.50 1.50 = $ 3.00

$ 20.00 - $ 3.00 = $ 17.00

Towel- $ 30

  10      10 10 = $ 30
1.50 1.50 1.50 = $ 4.50

$ 30.00 - $ 4.50 = 25.50

Shoes - $ 70

10        10 10 10      10 10 10 = $ 70
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 = $ 16.50

$ 70.00 - $ 16.50 = $ 53.30

Pajamas - $25

10 10 5  = $ 25
1.50 1.50 5 = $ 3.55

$ 25.00 - $ 3.55 = 21.55

Maths - Term 3

A shirt at the warehouse is at discounted price. It is 20% off
the marked price. The original price of the shirt is $50. How
much would the shirt cost after the discount?

10 10 10 10 10 = 50
5    5 5   5 5 =25                   50 - 25 = 25

Shoes at the warehouse is at discounted price. It is 25% off
the marked price. The original price of the shirt is $60. How
much would the shoes cost after the discount?

10     10 10     10 10 10   = $60
2.50  2.50 2.50  2.50 2.50 2.50  = $7

60 - 7 = $53

A Bag at the warehouse is at a discounted price. It is 35% off
the marked price. The original price of the bag is $80. How
much would the bag cost after the discount?

10     10 10      10 10 10   10 10 = $ 80.00
3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 = $ 28.00

$ 80.00 - $ 28.00 = $ 52

A perfume bottle at the warehouse is at a discounted price. It is 5% off
the marked price. The original price of the shirt is $50. How
much would the bottle cost after the discount?

10 10 10 10 10 = $ 50.00 
50 50 50 50 50 = $2.50

$ 50.00 - $ 2.50 = $ 47.50